Dr. Iñaki Comas. Head of the Unit.
I did my PhD in the University of Valencia on Evolutionary Genomics of Proteobacteria. In 2008, I moved to Dr. Sebastien Gagneux laboratory in the National Institute for Medical Research in London. We were among the first to use NGS in large scale to address issues related with host-pathogen interaction, evolution and drug resistance. In 2012 I returned to Spain with a Marie Curie and later a Ramón y Cajal and established a new line of research in tuberculosis. In 2016 I started a new position as Científico Titular at the Instituto de Biomedicina de Valencia. Current funding includes ERC Starting Grant, Ministerio de Ciencia Retos, Explora, Red de Excelencia y Equipamiento and Generalitat Valenciana Consolidables.

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Dra. Manoli Torres-Puente. Laboratory Manager.
I consider myself as a Molecular and Evolutionary Biologist with wide expertise in methodologies applied to molecular and epidemiological diagnosis. I obtained my PhD in University of Valencia on Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis C virus in 2004. Afterwards, I worked several years in a company where I held the Molecular Genetics Diagnosis Laboratory. Then, in 2011, I returned to the epidemiological field, focusing in HIV and Legionella. In 2015, I obtained a Master’s Degree on Bioinformatics in University of Valencia, since I was really interested in tackling the High Throughput Sequencing field, dealing with both experimental and bioinformatics approaches. Since 2016 I work as Laboratory Manager in the Tuberculosis Genomics Unit where my main interests are the development and use of NGS tools applied to diagnosis, epidemiology and evolution of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

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Dra. Mariana Gabriela López. Postdoctoral researcher.
I’m a biologist. I obtained the Bachelor degree in 2001 at University of Buenos Aires in Argentina. In 2008 I got a PhD in Biology Sciences from the same Universisty, focused on Genetics and Evolution. I earned an Assistant Researcher position at CONICET (The Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina) in 2012 and a promotion to Adjunt Researcher in 2015. During those years I studied different aspects of agricultural important plants as tomato and maize. I moved to Spain in 2017 and made a training stay at CIPF (Centro de Investigación Príncipe Felipe) in Valencia where I acquired experience in Bioinformatics. I joined the Tuberculosis Genomics Unit in 2018 as a postdoc. My main topics of interest are Epidemiology, Genomics and Evolution of the MTB complex.

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Dra. Victoria Furió. Postdoctoral researcher.
I started my career at the ICBiBE (University of Valencia) working on viral evolution. After I finished my PhD in 2010, I went to the University of Oxford to work with Craig Maclean on the evolutionary dynamics of antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Since May 2015, I am working on antibiotic resistance of Mycobacterium tuberculosis at the IBV-CSIC. I am using an experimental approach to understand the genetics of resistance on a genomewide scale and the factors driving its evolution.

Dr. Álvaro Chiner-Oms. Postdoctoral researcher.

I studied Computer Sciences in the Polytechnic University of Valencia. After that, I studied Biology in the University of Valencia and also a Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics. I have finished my PhD on 2019 under the supervision of Iñaki Comas and Fernando González-Candelas. Nowadays, I am involved in several projects applying computational analyses to study the evolution, epidemiology and global diversity of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex.

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Galo Goig Serrano. PhD Student.

I studied Biology in the University of Valencia, and after that I got a Master’s Degree in Bioinformatics. Currently, I am developing my PhD at the Tuberculosis Genomics Unit. I work in both the wet and dry lab with the aim of translating the cutting-edge techniques and scientific advances rendered by basic research to the diagnosis and surveillance of tuberculosis in the clinical context.

Irving Cancino-Muñoz. PhD Student.
I studied Biology at the Universidad Veracruzana in Mexico. I am currently doing my PhD thesis working on genomic epidemiology of tuberculosis in Valencia. I am using NGS data to detect and infer transmission clusters as well as search for some epidemiological variables that could be associated with recent transmission in the region. In addition, I am specialized in phylogeographic analyses.

Miguel Moreno-Molina. PhD Student.
I studied Biotechnology at the Polytechnic University of Valencia and specialized in biomedicine. Then I got a Master’s Degree in Biomedical Research by the University of Valencia. Now I’m working on my PhD at the Tuberculosis Genomics Unit, focused on antibiotic resistance mechanisms and intra-patient diversity and evolution of M. tuberculosis.

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Carla Mariner Llicer. PhD Student.

I studied Biotechnology at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV). After that, I started a Master’s Degree in Molecular biology, Cellular biology and Genetics research at Universitat de València (UV). Currently, I’m doing my PhD on genomic epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex.

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Luis Villamayor. BSL3 Manager.
I studied Chemistry at the University of Valencia, then I obtained the title of clinical and biomedical laboratory technician. From 2009 to 2013 I worked with clinical isolates of mycobacteria and legionella at the General Hospital of Valencia. Since 2014 I am working at the Tuberculosis Genomics Unit and I am currently the lab manager of the Biosafety Level 3 Area of FISABIO, where I work to offer maximum safety conditions and enforce best laboratory practices. I am also a member of the Spanish Biosafety Association.

Ester Colomer Roig. BSL3 Research Assistant.
I studied Biology at the University of Valencia and obtained a Master’s Degree in Biomedical Research. I did my PhD in the University of Valencia on diagnostic molecular techniques of Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. I also have the title of clinical and biomedical laboratory technician. I am currently working as a research assistant at the biosecurity level 3 laboratory in FISABIO, mainly processing clinical tuberculosis samples for epidemiological studies.